Pom-Poms or a whip?

How do you motivate yourself?
With pom-poms or a whip? ⁠
If it's the latter, you're doing more harm than good. ⁠

⁠We often think that we should whip ourselves into shape with harsh words and criticisms, but doing so slowly chips away at our self-worth and motivation. Even IF you are able to reach your goal, you will arrive feeling bruised, battered and still “not good enough.”

⁠In contrast, if you support yourself, cheer yourself on with love and compassion--you'll arrive at your goal feeling exhilarated and (dare I say...) having had some fun in the process!⁠


Don’t believe me? Science confirms it.

Even science tells us that having a more compassionate approach will fuel you, sustain you, and when you actually achieve your goal....it'll be more satisfying.⁠ Dr. ⁠Kristen Neff’s landmark book “Self-Compassion” is full of research demonstrating how doing so unlocks your potential and well-being.

So my challenge for you today is to choose compassion every time you want to be harsh with yourself. ⁠


But what exactly does “choosing compassion” mean?

…Does it mean more bubble baths?

Self-compassion and self-love are often mistaken for bubble baths and face masks. Yes, we should enjoy relaxation and comfort. But, self-compassion is much more than self-care activities, its more about handling ourselves with the same kindness you would a loved one.

…Does it mean letting myself off the hook?

While giving ourselves grace through difficult times is definitely self-compassion, it doesn’t mean you should choose the path of least resistance. One of the most loving things you can do for yourself is to follow through with what you want most for your life. Not just take the easy path for the sake of temporary comfort. Choosing to get up and get after it (whatever “it” may be) may feel difficult or downright painful. BUT…it’s nowhere near as painful as regret.


What’s an easy way to summarize self-compassion?

Treating and speaking to yourself like you would a best friend or kiddo. You deserve that same kindness, support and love you share with your world. And, ultimately, it’s the answer to getting you where you want to go and feeling good along the way. ❤️⁠


I want to hear from you.

How do you motivate yourself? Do you need help loving yourself fit? Replay to this email and let me know! My pom-poms are ready!


Jaime Baird | Wellness Expert


MindJaime Baird