She's Finally Lost It!
No matter how hard I try, I can’t lose weight.
When Crissy reached out to me, she was totally frustrated. She felt like she was doing everything right, and nothing was happening.
Can you relate?
I know I can. There was a time when I felt like I was on the treadmill to nowhere with my fitness.
After carefully watching my nutrition and religiously showing up to the gym, I would tiptoe over to the scale, secretly praying it wouldn’t do me dirty AGAIN. But it did. Again and again.
Crissy’s experience was similar. This former professional dancer wondered if she’d ever be able to return to her tip-top level of fitness after having two babies and transitioning her career to physical therapy.
Like most of us, wasted efforts were not in Crissy’s time and energy budget. This Type-A goal getter gal was at her wits’ end and wanted a breakthrough.
Consistently Intense.
Step one was intensifying her training with the JaimeFit Digital Studio Workouts. This busy Mama could take these workouts on from home. (Or on vacay using the App.)
(Fun side note: Her hubby joined in on the butt kicking workouts too. He’s down 30+ lbs! But I digress…)
These workouts gave her all the endorphins, feel good vibes and strength to make more change.
Too much of a good thing.
Then came dialing in the nutrition. Crissy was making good choices. But, we uncovered that her fat and sugar were consistently too high. I call this “too much of a good thing.”
I see this a lot. Fit-minded ladies having too much fat and sugar from nutrient rich foods like avocados, frozen fruit, etc. While these foods are healthy, a calorie surplus from “good” foods is still stored as fat.
We made adjustments, and her fat loss began.
Changing her mind.
If you keep telling yourself, “it’s impossible,” it will be.
So, we got proactive and intentional with Crissy’s thoughts. We developed affirmations for her to read a loud many times a day to drown out her old beliefs and stories. It worked. Crissy lost it.
I’ll let Crissy tell you the rest…
“I’ve lost 16 pounds! I am jumping for joy over here! I finally did it. I set my goal, my intention, stuck with it. It was hard work but joyful work. This journey with JaimeFit has invigorated my love for fitness and taught me how to live a brighter and more enriched life. When I did the very first JaimeFit workout, I was hooked. Looking back, I have achieved my goal of getting back to the best shape since my before my babies and my body feels stronger than even when I was professionally dancing!! Thank you, Jaime, for giving me the power, tools, and motivation to be my best self, inside and out!!”
We can ALL lose it.
We’ve all struggled with our goals. Heck, you may be struggling now. But, before you lose it, you much drop that tired old belief about what’s possible. Remember, the way things were, don’t always have to be. But, you must do something different.
If you are ready, I’m here.