3 Ways You’re Wasting Time (and Don’t Even Know it!)


Do you have a goal that you just can seem to make happen? Join the time-crunched club of overachievers! Want more ways to find time? Check out my in-depth video on the topic.

There are so many obvious things that waste your time, like social media scrolling. However, there are also some sneaky practices that are keeping you slow and stuck. These aren’t your traditional time wasters. These guys seem productive, but in actuality, keep you treading water rather than swimming to shore. Ready to dive in and make your goals happen for once and for all? Get to work on these….


Waiting to be “ready.”

(This includes overcomplicating and perfecting.) I get it. I’ve been here too. You think there is more to do to be ready for the next step. You spin your wheels preparing, gathering more information, waiting for the moon and stars to align. It’s all an illusion and a delay tactic. You’ll never be ready. You just have to GO. You don’t need to know every step, you just need one. Throw on those sneakers and get moving. Pick up the phone and make the call. Start writing the first paragraph.  Right now. Once you take a step, each proceeding one will get easier and easier. 

Trying to out train a bad diet. 

Attempting to erase overeating with excessive exercise is a fruitless, exhausting injury waiting to happen. It won’t work. The “math” just won’t work out in your favor. And, your hormones will keep your body in a stressed state, which won’t get you closer to your goals. And, what’s worse, you will feel frustrated and worn out rather than invigorated and well. Instead, follow a nutrition strategy that fuels your vibrance and exercise in a way that shows your body love rather than punishment. 

Beating Yourself Up.

Negative self-talk won’t do anything besides waste time and kill your motivation. People often think that cracking the whip on themselves with harsh words will get them moving, but the results are temporary and leave your soul battered and bruised. When those negative thoughts pop up, give yourself the pep talk you’d give your bestie or you kiddos. That’s the voice that’ll ignite your fire and keep you going.


Can you relate to any of these time wasters? Have others that you struggle with? Reply to this email and let me know!  I'll write you back with a few suggestions and invite you to watch my in-depth video on the topic. 



MindJaime Baird